Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility


DSC00016The modern world is highly dependent on oil and gas. Cities are not self-sufficient and therefore require continuous transport of both people and goods. Gas is used for heating in households in most parts of the world. Oil is a key ingredient in everything from plastics, tires, rubber boots and cleaning materials to all sorts of medicines.

Petrosibir considers it vital to contribute with this important resource in a responsible manner. The Company complies with the Russian environmental legislation which covers water usage, air pollution, releases into water, handling of hazardous substances, restoration of soil as well as health and safety aspects for employees. It is Petrosibir’s policy to live up to the environmental and safety requirements on the markets where the company operates. The Company’s objective is to set an example in minimizing the environmental risks in the Company’s operations.

The Company carefully complies with laws and regulations to combat bribery and corruption and has adopted a Code of Conduct and Ethics.

Petrosibir contributes to the local communities through job opportunities and tax payments. Petrosibir also contributes to a number of local organisations and causes, such as preschools, schools, young geologists etc.

Petrosibir’s CSR principles

  • Long-term sustainable and responsible operations for the Company’s stakeholders
  • Health and safety
  • Minimizing environmental impact
  • Support to the local communities
  • Social and gender equality
  • Training and development of our employees